The Civilization of Love or the Reign of God on Earth! A message of hope, a “revolutionary” vision, for unbelievers as well as for believers.
For the former, this book will reveal the concrete, practical dimension of the social project of Jesus of Nazareth: “the civilization of love”. With this magnificent expression, the contemporary popes have evoked the dazzling future of humanity. A becomming which includes the Earth, our wonderful blue planet set like a precious gem in the Cosmos, currently threatened by “the civilization of death” which seems to prevail over the dreams of peace and justice of “men of good will”.
For the faithful, this book will bring back to the forefront a forgotten treasure. An underestimated facet of the hope of the Apostles and the primitive Church. The time has now come to reconnect with the prophetism of the origins. For Jesus is at the gates! He is returning as a triumphant victor to establish his Kingdom on Earth!
This book is available free of charge in PDF format. Just ask for it by email (including your name, address phone, email, etc.) at :
Cher Nicolas, notre dernier VTPN s’est terminé un peu abruptement et m’a laissé sur ma faim. Serait-ce parce que notre…
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